Venue: Room1
Info for authors: The time allocated for a talk is 25′ (including Q&A).

Wednesday June 5

11:10AM – 11:15AM Workshop Opening
11:15AM – 12:05PM Session 1: SiMLA – Security in Machine Learning and its Applications
Session Chair: Jianying Zhou

12:10PM – 1:00PM Session 2: Cloud S&P–Cloud Security and Privacy
Session Chair: Suryadipta Majumdar


1:00PM – 2:10PM Lunch

2:10PM – 3:25PM Session 3: AIBlock – Application Intelligence and Blockchain Security
Session Chair: Martin Ochoa

3:25PM – 4:05PM Break
4:05PM – 17:20PM Session 4: AIoTS – Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Internet-of-Things Security
Session Chair: Robert Deng